Beverly Martin (Gorley)

Beverly Martin (Gorley)

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05/06/14 07:48 AM #1    

Cynthia Levins (Hillman)

Beverly and I met in our Sophomore year in the same homeroom, seated one in front of the other as we were for most of our classes since we were seated alphabetically. The two new gals in our class that year bonded us for life. I remember being at the local roller skating rink with Bev when I had an unfortunate collision and was briefly unconscious with a crowd around me. I was told after that someone in charge was trying to keep people away until medical help got there. Beverly pushed through to me blurting  she was my . . pause .my . sister! 

Her the lovely fairskinned redhead and me the dark brunnette with no resemblance whatsoever but she got to me. Forunately, I needed no further medical attention but we have been "sisters" ever since.

05/07/14 09:24 AM #2    

Donald J. (Don) Swanz

Your "STAR"; like so many others from 59', will continue to shine BRIGHTLY

until the end of time.     

05/07/14 07:05 PM #3    

S. Allen Jenks

So sorry to hear of Beverly's death.  She and Cindy were together so much back in the day that there were times one wondered if thery were truly sisters...maybe with different parentage?  She was a lovely person as I remember her and from BHS, remained so when looking at her profile.  My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and all who knew her! 

05/08/14 03:45 AM #4    

Susan Schrader (Dibble)

Bev and I sat across from each other in Miss Forsyth's English class (which was a foreign language to me).  Unfortunately we both had seats right in the front, so we were the first to get her evil glare.  The days I remember so vividly were the one day Bev, being tall, had her legs stretched out in front of the desk and Miss Forsyth was so intent on giving us "the glare" that she tripped over Bev's feet.  Didn't fall, but had to do so pretty good moves to remain standing.  The two of us could not look at each other as we were on the verge of bursting out laughing.  Also, the band used to practice on Friday afternoons - and the one day that Miss Forsyth decided to let some fresh air in and opened the windows, the band struck up a marching tune and she had to retrace her steps to close them all back up.  We all had a good laugh when Paul Strogen hung a life size portrait of Elvis on her door.  Those were the only fun days we had in that class.

05/10/14 01:33 PM #5    

JoAnn Magee (Anderson)

Though Bev. and Cynthia Levins were like sisters, they often included me in their fun. Bev and I were brides maids in Cynthia's wedding. There were three weddings that day.  So after Cynthia's wedding, Bev and I went on to Benny Martino's wedding.  I don't recall the third wedding as Bev. and I had a little too much fun at Benny's wedding and never did make it to the third one. Bev and I lost track of each other through the years until our class web site was set up for the 50th reunion. Through the web site we renewed our friendship and stayed in touch after that. I will miss her very much.

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